Saturday 17 October 2015

Happy Dussehra 2015 Wishes Quotes in English, Hindi for Whatsapp

Happy Dussehra 2015 Wishes Quotes in English – Dussehra is a Hindu festival that is known for victory of goods over an Evil. Dussehra is also known as Dasara or Vijayadashami or Dashain or Tenth day of Navratri or Durgostav. This festival celebrated in various from across India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bangladesh. This festival is most important for Indian people, on that day Government offices, Banks and Post offices are closed. According to Indian people, Dussehra is lucky day to start new Project, Business and journey because Lord Rama Victory over a Demon Ravan. On this day effigies of Ravana are burnt on bonfires in the evening of Dussehra and people may also exchange leaves from the shami tree as a symbol of the story of pandavas brother’s that is exile in the Mahabharata stories.
Description: Happy Dussehra SMS
Happy Dussehra SMS

Happy Dussehra 2015 Wishes in English

This Dussehra 2015, wish everybody with the Dussehra wishes and greeting. Celebrate this Dussehra with full joy and enjoyment. Remember a god and wish every one of your friend and family members with SMS Messages.
Dusshera sîgnîfîës thë vîctory of good ovër ëvîl.
Mày àll thë ëvîls în ànd àround you vànîsh by thë vîrtuë of thë goodnëss în ànd àround you.
Happy Dusshera 2015!
On thîs spëcîàl Dày,
Às wë Cëlëbràtë vàlor & couràgë,
Trîumph of good ovër ëvîl,
Wîsh you succëss & hàppînëss în
Ëvërythîng you do…
Happy Dussehra !!!
Fortunàtë îs thë onë
Who hàs lëàrnëd to àdmîrë,
But not to ënvy.
Good wîshës for à joyous Nàvràtrî,
Wîth à plënty of pëàcë ànd prospërîty.

Happy Dussehra Quotes in Hindi, English

Dussehra or Dasara is the last day of Durga puja or it also known as a vijayadashami. It is an Indian festival which is celebrates good force over an evil force. Celebrate this day with joy and happiness. Wish your friend with SMS Messages
Description: Happy Dussehra Wishes
Happy Dussehra Wishes
Yë Pàl Ho Sunëhërà, dunîyà më nààm ho roshàn tumàhàrà, dusron ko dîkhàko tum kînàrà yëhî ààshîrwààd hàî hàmàrà. Hàppy Hàppy ànd Hàppy Dussëhrà!
Buràî pàr àcchàî kî jëët!!
Dussëhrà làtà hàî ëk ummëd…
Ràvàn kî tàràh hàmàrë dukhon kà ànt ho…
Ëk nàî shuruàt ho ëk nàyë sàvër ëkës sààth…
!!! Happy Dussehra!!!
À tîmë for cëlëbràtîon, À tîmë for vîctory of good ovër bàd,
À tîmë whën world sëë thë ëxàmplë of powër of good.
Lët us contînuë thë sàmë “truë” spîrît.
* Happy Dussehra *

Happy Dussehra Quotes for Whatsapp

Dussehra is the most important festival for Indian people. This day is of celebration and prayers and this day is known for victory of goods over an evil. Wishes and blessing on this day to your friend and family member with best of Messages.
Long lîvë thë tràdîtîon of Hîndu culturë,
às thë gënëràtîons hàvë pàssëd by,
Hîndu culturë îs gëttîng strongër ànd strongër
lët’s këëp ît up.
Happy Dussehra.
Ëvërydày sun rîsë to gîvë us à mëssàgë
Thàt dàrknëss wîll àlwàys bë bëàtën by lîght.
Lët us follow thë sàmë nàturàl rulë ànd
Ënjoy thë fëstîvàl of good dëfëàts ëvîl.
Happy Dussehra

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